Open BooksCan’t find something? Items can be requested from other OCLN libraries, as well as other Massachusetts libraries in the Commonwealth Catalog.

OCLN items usually arrive within 3-7 days, depending on the number of holds on the item. Visit the Reference Desk for more information regarding interlibrary loans.

To place an item on hold, go online at OCLN, login with your library card number (no spaces please), and your PIN number. When you find your title, click on the white hand to place it on hold.

If you need assistance, you can stop by the circulation desk, or call us at (508)888-0625 ext.300. Please have the title, author and your library card handy. You can also fill out a request form at the library, and give it to a circulation staff member or the reference librarian.

When your item arrives, you will be notified either by e-mail or phone. The item will be held for you for 7 days.

An individual may pick up a reserved book for another person only if they present that person's library card.

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