About the Library

Loan Periods

The following are the loan periods for Sandwich items. Items borrowed from other libraries are subject to the lending library’s loan periods and fines. Items from other libraries may be due on a day when Sandwich is closed. If returned to Sandwich on the date the item is due, and the library is closed, you will incur a late fee.

(Click here for a complete list of libraries and hours.)


Loan Periods and Renewals:

  • DVD/Video: 14 day loan, 1 renewal, unless another patron has requested the item. NOTE: Multipiece DVDs circulate for 14 days as indicated by the sticker on the case
  • Book/Magazine/Audio: 14 day loan, 2 renewals, unless another patron has requested the item.
  • Mobile Hotspot: 7 day loan, renewals are not permitted but if there are no holds on the hotspot, a patron may checkout the hotspot again.

    Renew online! Or call (508)888-0625 to renew. Please have your library card available.

THE LIBRARY IS NO LONGER CHARGING OVERDUE FINES ON BOOKS, DVD's, MAGAZINES AND AUDIO. Please return your materials when they are due so that others may have the opportunity to use them.

The following fines are still in effect:


  • Museum Passes.........................$5.00 per day
  • Mobile Hotspots.........................$1.00 per day/maximum $10

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Book & Video Drop Returns

The library offers a book drop next to the main side door to allow patrons to return items when the library is closed. 

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